Are Your Pets in Need of Preventative Care?

The practice of deworming is an essential part of a complete preventative health routine that should be followed to avoid your pet being infested with parasites (both internal and external). Implementing measures to prevent the spread of parasites to you and other human members of your household is equally essential. The following is some information you should be aware of regarding the uninvited houseguests that your cat or dog may inadvertently host.

What are the reasons why vaccination is necessary?

Since pets are susceptible to being infected with a wide variety of worms, including those that can be fatal, they should receive annual vaccinations and maintain a healthy diet to protect from unwanted parasites. You can learn more about pet wellness by visiting this page.

Young Pets Should Be Vaccinated More Often

Deworming your pet cat, dog, or any other pet at least once every two to three months is highly advised. Even if the mother is treated for worms, likely, her offspring will have parasites even after the babies are born. This is the case for both puppies and kittens. The amount of exposure risk determines the necessity of deworming in our area. Talk to your veterinarian, or you can click on this page for more information.

Not Seeing Them Doesn’t Imply They Aren’t There

There are occasions when we see wriggling or gnarly worms that are small in the feces and stools of our pet; however, this is not always the case. If there is a suspicion, a fecal exam is performed to check for parasites. Younger pets are more active and often eat anything in their environment, which can cause these issues during their younger days.

Factors That Can Increase Exposure

The first thing to consider is finding out what kinds of parasites you encounter within the place where you live and whether or not you have a history of parasites from your past pets that you must investigate. The recent vacation with your pet and family might have put them at the risk of contracting an entirely new disease or being invaded by a different kind of parasite. If your pet frequently interacts with other animals, it can increase the possibility that your pet will contract one.

Lowers Risk on Certain Individuals

Pregnant women, the elderly or children, individuals fighting cancer, those with diabetes, or anyone immunocompromised are at risk. Most parasites that may be discovered in pets and humans are zoonotic. This means they can be transferred through animals and can cause human illness. If you know of anyone who could be at a higher risk for exposure, it is essential to take extreme caution and take further steps to keep them safe.

Extreme Weather Survival

Certain species can endure temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius. Daily egg production by intestinal roundworms is around 10,000 eggs. Even in the harshest of environments, the eggs are viable and infectious for as long as five years due to the tough crust that shields them from the elements. This allows them to endure. If exposed to these parasites, your pet may still be in danger of developing a condition of a different kind.

Common Parasites of Pets

Intestinal protozoa, including ascarids (roundworms), tapeworms, and giardia that can cause “beaver fever” in humans, comprise the following: Humans are vulnerable to infections caused by roundworms as well as tapeworms. Roundworms appear to be increasingly prevalent.

Lowers the Risk of Infection

If you take care to pick up your pets after walking and while in the yard, you can keep them from getting sick. Routine blood checks, blood pressure measurement and monitoring from time to time will help. 

When not used, sandboxes should have lids, and gardens should be protected. After getting rid of animal feces and feces, you should wash your hands thoroughly and immediately use detergent and water. Talk about the prevention method for parasites that is the most effective and practical for your pets. Prevention is more effective than treatment.