Strategies for Preparing Your Pet for Boarding

Many dog owners feel guilty about boarding their pets while away for vacation. If this is how you think, you’re undoubtedly worried about how homesick and afraid your pet will be when he’s separated from you and placed in a foreign environment.

You shouldn’t be concerned, though, since dogs that stay at reputable boarding kennels get the chance to interact with other animals that are similar to themselves, which is something they never get to do at home. They have more fun, get affection, and have a comfortable nest to sleep in, so they return home happy and exhausted dogs. 

Preparations for Pet Boarding

If this is your dog’s first time away from you for more than a few days, kennel boarding may be a terrifying experience for you and your pet. Before leaving your dog at a boarding facility, you can do a few things to prepare him for the experience.

1. Go for a trial run.

Before leaving on vacation, it may be wise to give your pet a trial run in the care of the facility where they’ll be staying. A doggy daycare in Dallas, TX is available at some boarding facilities, so try bringing your dog there a few times just for the day. To assist your pet in adjusting to their new environment and habit, make an overnight boarding appointment and plan on leaving them for at least 24 hours. This also gives the boarding staff a chance to get to know your pet before you go, so they’ll be better prepared for any strange habits your pet might have.

2. Provide your pet with familiar objects.

Even though many pet boarding places have all the comforts of home, nothing beats the smell and feel of things from home. Most boarding facilities accept small home items, such as a blanket or rug, that may make your pet’s stay more pleasant. These products will make your pet feel more comfortable and secure in the new setting, which will result in an overall better experience while they are boarded.

3. Do not overfeed your dog. 

Excitement may have adverse effects on a dog’s digestive system. Your dog may get indigestion if he becomes too active or anxious in unfamiliar situations. Many dog owners overfeed their dogs before putting them in a kennel because they want to show their pets how much they care. 

This is not a good idea at all. If anything, you should feed your pet less than usual to keep his stomach in excellent working order at this time. It is also crucial to consult a veterinary dentist before you leave your pet in a boarding facility to ensure that your pet’s oral health is in excellent condition.

4. Make sure dog vaccinations are up to date. 

Only dogs that have completed their pet vaccinations may be boarded at a kennel. You can’t just bring your dog to the vet the day before the vaccinations are due and expect the kennel to allow your dog in. Most kennels demand that a pet be vaccinated at least two weeks before their arrival since vaccines take time to take effect. 

Shots for parainfluenza, kennel cough, leptospirosis, distemper, parvovirus, and hepatitis are often required. 

5. Send your pet for socialization training. 

One of the most admirable aspects of boarding your dog in a kennel is the chance to socialize with other dogs. Dogs who are kept as pets seldom get to interact with other animals. Before boarding, it is a good idea to update your pet’s socialization skills so that he does not freak out when he meets several new canines.

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