Dog ears exist in all different sizes and forms; however, they have other structures than human ears. Dogs have a long, vertically, and horizontally split ear canal. This results in a form that more readily retains dirt and can lead to dog problems with their ears.
Dogs and puppies can develop problems with their ears for various reasons. An issue often hinders the ear’s normal defense barrier from functioning correctly. When the ear is damaged or wet, it’s simple for bacteria or yeast to spread and create an infection.
Dog ear infections need medical attention from a veterinarian. After examining your pet, the vet will decide whether any more home treatments are required. To determine the appropriate course for your pet, your vet will likely need to examine the earwax and scan your dog’s ears.
Causes of Dog Ear Infections
These infections can have many different causes. If your dog suffers from ear infections, there may be an underlying issue that keeps the condition returning. Several possibilities of the reasons behind your dog’s frequent ear infections.
Bacterial and Yeast Infections
The natural yeast in your dog’s ear usually grows due to allergies, leading the yeast to develop infections. Bacterial development in the ear is generally caused by the wax accumulation of moisture, which is the leading cause of bacterial infections.
Dogs with yeast or bacterial problems in their ears often show signs such as excessive scratching and itching on the ears. This can be accompanied by the appearance of a brown or red discharge or a swollen ear.
Food or Environmental Allergies
Infections of the ear frequently occur in dogs suffering from allergies to food and the environment. Nearly half of the dogs with food sensitivities and skin allergies could develop an ear infection at some point throughout their lives. Dogs are most frequently allergic to proteins, like lamb, chicken dairy products, cattle, and eggs.
Mass in the Ear Canal
A tumor or tumor might cause recurrent ear infections in dogs within the ear canal. Polyps, ceruminous gland adenomas, and adenocarcinomas are the most common tumors in the ear canal. They’re typically caused by swelling, unpleasant smell, ear itching, a waxy discharge inside the one ear, and head shaking.
Water in the Ear Canal
Water in the ear canal can promote bacteria to grow, resulting in an infection. To help prevent any water from getting caught inside your dog’s ear after exposure to moisture, be sure that your dog’s ears are dried thoroughly. Click here to get more information.
Ear Mites and Parasites
Your dog’s ears will itch from ear mites, parasites, and ticks. They are known to shake their heads or excessively scratch their ears in response to this. Along with producing wax that causes discomfort that can result in an infection, ear mites could cause their ears to become painful, swollen, or itchy. Consult your veterinarian about veterinary internal medicine.
Wax Buildup
Wax is evident in our ears and our dog’s ears. However, an accumulation of wax may cause a blockage, impair airflow, and even lead to ear canal infections. The two main causes for the increase in wax production are ear mites and allergies.
Autoimmune Disease
Although they are uncommon illnesses in which the immune system targets healthy cells, they may cause inflammation and infections in your dog’s ear canals. The conditions that cause this include vasculitis pemphigus or lupus. Look up “Cat ear infection” for cat owners.